This 4th edition of Foundation Analysis and Design-I is a refinement of the previous 3rd edition of the book. The materials presented include:
Chapter I: discusses the technical properties of soil and rock, including index properties, effective stress, soil shear strength, and others.
Chapter II: discusses soil investigation, including the tools used, soil sampling method, SPT test, sondir test, plate load test, fan shear test and how to interpret the data.
Chapter III : discusses how to determine the bearing capacity of shallow foundations using the methods of Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Vesic, Hansen and others.
Chapter IV: discusses the problem of foundation settlement, including immediate settlement, primary and secondary consolidation settlement and considerations that must be made.
Chapter V : discusses the considerations in designing shallow foundations.
Chapter VI: discusses the design of individual footing foundations including design steps, calculation of allowable bearing capacity, selection of dimensions and depths, column and foundation relationships and others.
Chapter VII: discusses the design of combined footing and cantilever foundations.
Chapter VIII: discusses the raft foundation, design methods including how to calculate permit bearing capacity, settlement and considerations in implementation.
Chapter IX: discusses retaining walls, lateral earth pressure theory, Rankine theory and Coulomb theory, how to draw lateral earth pressure diagrams, how to design and reinforcement.
Chapter X : discusses reinforced soils, especially those related to the design of retaining walls using geosynthetics.
Apart from discussing a lot of theories related to foundation problems, this book also provides many examples of questions accompanied by explanations for application purposes. This book is also suitable as a reference for students, young lecturers, in compiling research reports, theses or final assignments. For practitioners, this book is very useful as a reference book in designing foundation problems
This 5th edition of the 5th edition of Foundation Analysis and Design is a refinement of the 4th edition of the book that was published previously. The material presented is still the same as before, there are only additional discussions related to the design and testing of piles, both piles and drilled piles.
Chapter I : discusses sheet pile design, how to design cantilever sheet piles, anchored sheet piles, and anchor block designs.
Chapter II : discusses how to design a pile foundation using several methods, pile efficiency, pile group settlement, static and dynamic pile testing. In the dynamic pile test, it is discussed how to calculate the pile bearing capacity from the PDA (Pile DrivingAnalyzer) test.
Chapter III: discusses the well foundation, kaison, drill pile foundation and how to design it.
Chapter IV : discusses the foundation of the Chicken Claw System, basic concepts and how to design a Modified Chicken Claw System for road pavement projects.
Chapter V : discusses the Glued Plate System, how to determine the equivalent subgrade reaction modulus and how to design the Glued Plate System when used for basement foundations.
Apart from discussing a lot of theories related to foundation problems, this book also provides many examples of questions accompanied by explanations for application purposes. This book is suitable to be used as a reference for students, young lecturers, in compiling research reports, theses or final assignments. For practitioners, this book is very useful as a reference book in designing foundation problems.